Child Friendly Communities Project 2010-2011

As directed by the 2010/2011 Community Action Toward Children's Health Strategic Plan, CATCH is initiating a look at Child Friendly Communities designation for the Central Okanagan. 

This year, one of CATCH's goals is to support Central Okanagan communities to become more child friendly.  We will look at what a child friendly community looks and feels like.   Possible themes include neighbourhoods, mobility, places, workplaces and public spaces.  Many communities in the province and throughout the world are c urrently involved in the process of creating Child Friendly Communities and some examples can be found on our Child Friendly Communities menu tab.
If you would like to join in on the discussion, please click on the five question survey found below.  Thank you.      

Child Friendly Communities Survey :  click here

Child Friendly Communities in the media

Okanagan Parent Magazine 2010/2011 contained an article written by Myrna Kalmakoff and Angela Cleveland on the topic of Child Friendly Communities.  You can download the pdf of that article here.

Websites for review:
  1.  The Society for Children and Youth of BC (SCY) -
  2. Child Friendly Initiative (San Francisco) -
  3. UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre -

Documents for review:

  1. Powell River Family Friendly Spaces and Places Toolkit
  2. The Society for Children and Youth of BC (SCY) toolkit
    1. Making your community more child and youth friendly - Getting Started
    2. Making the community more child and youth friendly - Planning for Action


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